Our St. Patrick Church Fall Festival is Oct. 8th. If you'd like to purchase tickets for the turkey dinner, sign up to volunteer, or donate items, visit our parish website. St. Patrick Catholic Church
Raise Days bonuses on eGrift cards and reloaded gifts cards only on Sept. 21st and 22nd. 135+ brands on bonus. Participants must have an online account to participate. Click here for more information
Buy dinner, turn in the flyer from your child's class on the second Wednesday of the month at Godfather's Pizza on 1st Street in Cedar Falls, and earn a percentage of sales for our school! Help even more by using Scrip to pay and, NEW THIS YEAR, cutting off and turning in the BOXES FOR BUCKS scancode on the box (=-$0.25)!
School pictures will be Tuesday, Sept. 26 for the 2-day and 4-day preschool classes at Clover Patch Preschool. Pictures for our 3-day preschool class and K-Gr. 8 students will be Wednesday, Sept. 27 in the CCC/Library. Students in K-Gr. 8 are to wear their regular school uniform for pictures.
On Thursday, Sept. 7th, Columbus students will be here for a pep assembly to celebrate their homecoming week! Our students can wear a Columbus top with uniform bottoms that day if they wish.