Mrs. Kjeldsen and Mrs. Koch will be switching days for their class to lead Monday Morning Prayer. The new dates will be: Mrs. Koch - November 13; Mrs. Kjeldsen - December 4
Our apparel store with Iowa Sport Supply is now open! Our holiday store will be available for online orders until November 15th. All orders must be placed by then in order to be ready in time for Christmas. There are a few new options for Charger Fridays, as well as some stocking hats for colder weather.
Fall conferences are Wednesday, Oct. 18 and Thursday, Oct. 19. School is dismissed early both days with Circle of Care available after school until 5:30 pm. Information was emailed to families. NO SCHOOL ON FRIDAY, OCT. 20.
St. Patrick School CPTO invites all families from school and from the parish! Mass is at 5 pm. Join us for a meal in the commons after mass, and then at 6:30 pm, a fun night of trunk or treat!
Fall conferences are Wednesday, Oct. 18 and Thursday, Oct. 19. School will dismiss at 1:30 both days. Circle of Care will be open from 1:30-5:30 Wednesday and Thursday of that week. Check your email for times and student login information. There will be no afternoon preschool on Thursday and NO SCHOOL for PS-Gr. 8 on Friday, Oct. 20.