Our Red Ribbon Week student team has planned activities to raise awareness for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Click for themes and optional clothing choices your students may enjoy during the week.
Conferences are Wednesday, Oct. 20th 2-6:30 PM and Thursday, Oct. 21st 2-5:30 PM. On both days dismissal is at 1:30 PM and Circle of Care is 1:30-5:30 PM. No School/Circle of Care/Daycare for Preschool-Gr. 8 on Friday, Oct. 22.
Turn in your Hy-Vee receipts from the Cedar Falls, Waterloo, or Waverly Hy-Vee food stores or gas stations. Our school earns $1 for every $250 in receipts dated June 1, 2021–April 28, 2022. Click on title for more information.
Click the title to go straight to our online signup. Provide something, be a room parent, give the gift of time. We appreciate anything you can do to help!