Being split into small groups really gave us a great environment to learn in. Students could work at a faster or slower speed depending on their needs, and teachers had time to work with us individually.
—Rachel, alumna
Our elementary program provides a strong foundation for life-long achievement. Collaboration among teachers to improve learning, early foreign language instruction, integration of technology into the curriculum, and faith formation are cornerstones of a St. Patrick education.
Small learning groups within the classroom for reading/language arts and math allow all students to reach their highest potential, whether they need to move faster through material or require additional help in a certain subject.
Social studies and science remain critical components of a St. Patrick education. In our elementary grades, students focus on the responsibilities of and connections among families, communities, countries, and the world. Junior Achievement brings community members into the school to enhance what students learn in class. Our science inquiry curriculum focuses on connections between scientific concepts and real-world situations. Hands-on activities, experiments, and collaborative work engage students and make learning fun.
Our well-rounded curriculum also includes K-8 Spanish, vocal music, art, physical education, health, guidance, technology, and public speaking opportunities. Technology supports learning with 1:1 Chromebooks for grades 3-8 and iPads for use in lower grades. Click on Specials for more information on these subjects.
The Leader in Me Program and service learning work hand-in-hand with our emphasis on faith, values, and soft skills needed for success.
Additional programs and personnel support learning needs (resource teacher and classroom, speech pathologist, and special education consultation model with AEA).
Field trips enhance what students learn in the classroom.
Recess provides students with time to re-energize and get ready to learn.