St Patrick’s is in a league of it’s own! If you are looking for a place that feels more like a home than a school, this is that place. The entire staff is inviting and you will be hard pressed to find a group of teachers who work harder. Tuition assistance makes it affordable for every family and the uniform exchange has saved us hundreds in uniform costs. Attending public school as a child, I was apprehensive when first touring the school. The lighthouse program and the extra curricular activities available cemented my decision. You will immediately see the value of this investment in your children’s future. I can’t imagine our family attending any other school! We love the St Pats Family!
—Nathan P. Allison, parent
Why Choose St. Patrick Catholic School?
As parents we need to make many choices for our children. St. Patrick School provides students of all faiths with personalized learning, a challenging curriculum, and a caring Christian environment that emphasizes values, morals, and service to others.
Choosing a Catholic education at St. Patrick is one decision that will affect your child for years to come. We develop students who not only succeed academically but put their faith into action in their daily lives. We respect students of other faiths and welcome the diversity families of other religious backgrounds bring to our school.
St. Patrick Catholic School is accredited through the Iowa Department of Education. This means the school meets (or exceeds) all of the stated Department of Education requirements for nonpublic schools including alignment with curriculum standards and reporting student assessment data. All administrators and teachers are licensed through the Iowa Board of Educational Examiners. We welcome families of all faiths with open arms, and our student population is actually more diverse than our hometown of Cedar Falls.
Dedicated teachers will work with you and get to know your child to create the optimal learning experience. Teaching teams will challenge your child with hands-on, project-based learning. Students explore their interests, work collaboratively, and enjoy the benefits of early foreign language instruction and fine arts. Students who excel are provided with opportunities to accelerate their learning even further. Students who need extra help get it.
We've been here for a long time—since 1891 to be exact. We are Established in Faith and Distinguished in Education. Our rich tradition of excellence continues with innovative teaching strategies, the Leader in Me, and state-of-the-art resources in newly renovated buildings.
I am looking for a strong academic program. Tell me more!
I want my child to be well rounded and have the opportunity to explore fine arts and other interests. What opportunities do you offer?
I hear so much about the sense of community. What's that all about?
Do you offer options such as day care and bus service?
How do I apply?
Contact us to put your name on the mailing list for registration materials and information.
I am so glad that we decided to send our children to St. Patrick School! My third-grader decided he needed to go to St. Pat's during the Catholic Schools Week weekend mass when he was in preschool. The faculty, staff, and students are extremely welcoming--an older student approached my nervous first-grader to calm him down on the first day of school. Where else would you see that? By third grade, my son is reading at a 7th-grade level. Test scores are amazing, the teachers are fabulous, and having Circle of Care before and after school really helps out working parents!
—Lisa, parent
St. Patrick School was the best decision my parents ever made for me.
—Cassidy, alumna